Meaning of DURGA


dakarah parikirtitah ukaro vighna-nasasya
vacako veda-sammatah |

Repho roga-ghna-vacano
gas ca papa-ghna-vacakah bhaya-satru-ghna-vacanas
cakarah parikirtitah

daitya-nasa - killing the demons; artha-vacanah - the meaning of the letter; dakarah - the syllable d; parikirtitah - said; ukarah - the syllable u; vighna-nasasya - for destroying obstacles; vacakah - the word; veda-sammatah - the conclusion of the Vedas; rephah - the letter R; roga-ghna-vacanah - means the destroyer of diseases; gah - the letter g; ca - and; papa-ghna-vacakah - the destroyer of sins; bhaya - fear; satru - enemies; ghna - destroying; vacakah - the word; ca - and; akarah - the letter A; parikirtitah - said

In the name DURGA - the letter "D" means the destroyer of the demons, the letter "U" means the destroyer of obstacles, the letter "R" means the destroyer of diseases, the letter "G" means the destroyer of sins and the letter "A" means the destroyer of enemies and fears.

She is the one who eliminates sufferings, protects her devotees from the evils of the world and at the same time removes their miseries. Thatswhy everyone should surrender all of their actions and duties onto her.

Om Jayanti Mangala Kaali Bhadra Kali Kapalini
Om Jayanti Mangala Kaali Bhadra Kali Kapalini
Durga Kshama Shivaa Dhaatri Svaha Svadha namo-stu-te

Om. She Who Conquers Over All,
the remover of Darkness,
the Excellent One Beyond Time,
the bearer of the Skulls of Impure thought,
the reliever of difficulties,
supporter of the Universe,
take the oblations of the devotee who is one with you,
take the oblations of ancestral praise,
We bow to you.

You should chant the mantra 108 times daily to get rid of all sins, if you are short in time you should do atleast 11 times daily.