First thing to do on bed after waking up

Look at your both palm chanting the mantras as mentioned below, then rub both hands together and move the palms slowly over your face, covering head, shoulders, arms, and legs, creating an energy shield which wards off negative influences for the whole of the day.

|| Karaagre Vasate Lakshmi, Karamadhye Saraswati
    Karamule Tu Govinda, Prabhaate Kara Darshanam ||

On the forepart of the palm is Ma Lakshmi (the goddess of prosperity), in the middle of the palm is Ma Saraswati (the goddess of knowledge and speech), on the base of the palm is Govinda (the god of life), it is auspicious to have a look at one's hands in the morning.

|| Samudra Vasane Devi, Parvata Stana Mandale
    Vishnupatni Namastubhyam, Paada Sparsham Kshamasva Me ||

O! Mother Earth, whose clothes are the ocean and whose bosom are the mountains, who is the wife of Lord Vishnu, I bow to you. Please forgive me for touching you with my feet.

|| Brahma Murari Stripurantakari
    Bhanu Sashi Bhumisuto Budhascha
    Guruscha Shukraha Shani Rahu Ketavaha
    Kurvantu Sarve Mama Suprabhatam ||

Let Brahma (Creator), Murari (Vishnu), Tripurantakari (Shiva, the slayer of Tripurasura), Sun, Moon, Bhumisuta (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Brahaspati (Jupiter), Sukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn), Rahu and Ketu make the morning auspicious for me!

|| Sanatkumarah Sankah Sanandanah Sanatano Pyasuripingalaucha |
    Sapta Svarah Sapta Rasatalani Kurvantu Save Mama Suprabhatam ||

Sanatkumara, Sanaka, Sanadana and Sanatana (whom Brahmaji begot by wish); Rshi Asuri (a disciple of Rshi Kapila, the founder of the Samkhya system of philosophy), Rshi Pingala (the auther of Hindu Prosody); the Seven Svara (tones) (i.e. Sarja, Rsabha, Gandhara, Madhyam, Panchama, Dhaivata and Nisada); and the seven nether-worlds (Atla, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Rasatala, Mahatala and Patala) - may all of them make the morning auspicious for me!